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Happy New Year 2023!

The CDCB extend greetings of the New Year 2023 in a sober mood; not so ecstatic about events of the preceding year. Undoubtedly, the year 2022 has been full of not so good events and images locally and globally. Locally, we had bad conflict in which citizens passed away; citizens displaced; and assets destroyed. Globally, […]

Discussion solves Conflict

Disagreement is not a problem rather failure to understand the points of disagreement is the one. Disagreement can be factors for positive change or incentive destruction depending on the way we manage. Dialogue and discussion are the panacea not to allow disagreement to grow to violence. CDCB highly promotes discussion and dialogue so that disagreement […]

Marii Seccii Haqaa fi Duudhaa wal simsiisuu-Ibsa Gaazexaa

Mariin guyyaa tokkoof Dhaabbata Wiirtuu Misoomaa fi Ijaarsa Dandeettiitiin qophaa’e dhimma seccii haqaa fi duudhaa Naannoo Oromiyaa keessatti wal simsiisuu jedhu har’a Mudde 5, 2015 Hoteela Iliillitti adeemsifamaa jira. Sochiin adeemsa marii kun qaama piroojektii mata dureen isaa “Gama ijaarsa dandeettii fi tarkaanfii dadammaqsuutiin Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa keessatti Bulchiinsa Seeraa Cimsuu fi Mirgoota Namaa Tiksuu” jedhuuti. […]

ግብረመልሰ እናበረታታለን

ግብረመልሰ እናበረታታለን! የተወደዳችሁ ወጣት መሪዎች! ይህ ምላሻችሁን ለመሻት የቀረበ ጥሪ ነው! በቅርቡ “ለኢትዮጵያ ወጣት መሪዎች በፌዴራል የመንግስት አስተዳደር , በዲሞክራሲ ሥርዓት እና ሰላም ግንባታ ቀዳሚ እርምጃ” ላይ የሚያጠነጥን የምክክር ሥልጣና መካሄዱን እናሰታውሳለን፡፡ በሲዲሲቢ እና ፌዴሬሽኖች ፎረም የተዘጋጀው ይኸው ሥልጠና በ5 ተከታታይ ዙሮች ለእያንዳንዱ ለ4 ቀናት ቆይታ የተከናውነ ነበር፡፡ በሥልጠናው ሂደት በተሳታፊ ወጣቶች መካከል የነበረው ምክክር […]

We encourage feedback

Dear Youth Leaders! This is a call for response! It is to be recalled that recently you accomplished trainings on “Dialogue Initiative for Ethiopian Youth Leaders on Federal Governance, Democracy and Peace” organized in 5 cohorts for 4 days each. We well recognize that the dialogue in the training process had been very active and […]

We always uphold initiatives for peace

The Center for Development and Capacity Building (CDCB) upholds the agreement reached between the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Tigray Region political force. There are encouraging developments on the ground towards implementation of the agreement. One of the moves has been the meeting of high officials of the Federal Defense Force and those […]

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