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CDCB Director Say Community Dialogue to start next week

CDCB Director Say Community Dialogue to start next week

Mr. Amanuel hopes community dialogue will help to create the conversation among woman’s human and democratic right at lower levels

As part of the major activities of one of the projects implemented by CDCB
CFLI project “Strengthening women and girls’ political engagement and mobilization” community dialogues are going to be facilitated with woman community members of 10 selected Kebeles (lower structure) of Berek district of Sendafa zonal administration of Oromia regional state.

Mr. Amanuel said on Tuesday CDCB has done all the preparatory works to cascade woman’s community dialogue in collaboration with the district woman, children, and youth office to be started next week for the next ten days. He indicated the objectives of the dialogue as to try and reduce the preexisting gender violence and capacitation of woman and girls in the district so that they get a good understanding of the existing binding national and regional laws protecting woman’s human and democratic rights including the constitutions at both levels subsequently to help the woman’s in the community and girls at school know what their rights and duties are and play the leading role of protecting themself.
He also emphasized that the 10 days dialogue is an entry point in which selected women from respective Kebeles had intensive (TOT) training on human and women’s rights are expected to facilitate the dialogue and participants of the dialogue will further deepen the cascading at their family and different social gatherings in their respective community.

As well the grassroots Women Dialogue on Women, Human and Democratic Right Basics and the existing legal dialogues facilitated by thirty women selected from Ten kebeles and Five Schools in Berek District of Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne and had taken a TOT having an intent that these Leading Women would deliver and lead the community dialogue for women and students in their respective Kebeles and Schools in the form of community dialogue and the conversation will continue on.

He also indicated that there will be a hoarding board plantation in each site so the community can continue the dialogue and as a sign of CDCB’ and CFLI’s presence in the district.

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